Cost of services


  • Texture Reduction
  • Minor Blemish Removal
  • Minor Scar/Stretch Mark Softening
  • Minor Cellulite Buffing

Advanced $3.50/image

  • Texture Reduction
  • Moderate Blemish Removal
  • Moderate Scar/Stretch Mark Softening
  • Moderate Cellulite Buffing
  • Flyaway Taming
  • Minor Liquification
  • Minor Shadow Softening
  • Minor Background Distraction Removal


  • Texture Reduction
  • Major Scar/Stretch Mark Softening (or Removal Upon Request)
  • Major Cellulite Smoothing
  • Flyaway Taming
  • Advanced Liquification
  • Advanced Shadow Softening
  • Dodge & Burn Lighting Tweaks
  • Background Distraction Removal


All of Expert plus:

  • Major Background and/or Distraction Fixes

I currently have a one week turn-around on sessions up to 60 images, sessions with more than 60 images may take up to two weeks.

You will be invoiced on a per image basis. I will release watermarked proofs for your review along with your invoice, once the invoice is paid I will release the high quality retouched images to you.

I offer one free* re-work if my work isn't quite capturing your vision.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I can be reached at

*unless the image moves up per the above pricing guidelines, then you will be charged the difference.

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